“The purpose of education is to cultivate wisdom and virtue by nourishing the soul on truth, goodness, and beauty.”

Our mission at Good Shepherd School is to equip our students with the tools of learning and to endow them with the wisdom of the ages so they may serve God and their fellow man with love, virtue, and strength.
Good Shepherd School, established in 1979, is a classical and Christian school located in Tyler, Texas that offers classes from K4 through 12th grade. Good Shepherd School has been established to provide an academically excellent education that is distinctively classical and Christian in the Anglican Tradition.
As a Classical school we employ the time-honored medieval “trivium” of Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric as our educational philosophy and teaching methodology, in order to equip pupils for the future with proven tools from the past.
Our Anglican heritage provides the Christian framework in which we enrich our students with the prayers, sung psalms, and great hymns of historic, orthodox Christianity. Explore our website and discover how a “medieval” classical education at Good Shepherd can help your child discover the treasures of wisdom and knowledge which are the foundation of western civilization.